Before you book a New Client Appointment…

Here’s what to expect when you book your Initial Visit:

  • In-depth consultation – This is a 90 minute session, in which we’ll go in-depth with our assessment so we can get a feel on how your body works, where the pain is coming from, and what style of massage will work best for you! We want to know exactly what you need and are looking for.

  • Preliminary bodywork – As part of the assessment we’ll provide initial relief for the area of focus. You deserve an experience that gets to the root of the issue! Don’t be afraid to talk to your massage therapist about your comfort level during your massage.

  • A game plan – Think of this as a way to check out our work before you get in too deep. After your massage, we’ll make a plan to accomplish your specific goals moving forward and how to make the results last!

    Every body is unique. Feel better and more confident than ever by finding the treatment options that are right for YOU!

Future appointments can be as thorough or as targeted as you are comfortable with:

Scheduling Individual Appointments

  • 60 minutes good for one focus area (typically upper or lower body)

  • 90 minutes excellent for treating two focus areas at once. It is also our initial visit and assessment time slot.

  • 120 minutes great for those of you looking for a full body massage.

  • We do offer a 30 minute time slot. This option is for acute target treatments (migraine pain, muscle spasms, etc.) It is only available for established clients who have already had an assessment.